some recent photos
Here are some photos that I've taken recently at partys, out and about, etc.
Bodil and Anna at Anna's party in Nurtingen. I like the expressions of the guys behind them.
Bodil and Gary before going to Anna's party. I don't think Bodil wants to be seen with the sheep hat on.
My friend Gautam, one of the two guys who taught me how to cook indian food. He looks very serious here talking with Ali, but really he's a nice guy
Kari and her boy Matt on a recent bike ride to Tübingen. We rode along the Neckar river, and through some paths and eventually came across a small lake that is for nudists. There were naked guys just walking around everywhere. We were all laughing so hard, and we took off pretty quick.
Pigeon that I saw yesterday in Tübingen. I really like the picture, despite the grim subject. This $100 lens is really sharp and the image quality is great for the price. I like how you can see the exact plane of focus on the step in this photo. Even blown up to full size, the image is sharp. I'm working on that a lot, getting the focus right and keeping the images sharp. I normally shoot the lens pretty wide open, so I keep the auto focus set to center focus. I'll focus on the subject, and then compose the image. This works in low light, because the auto-focus on this lens isn't so great but it can usually hit the center focus easily.

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